DRM-free eBooks and where to find them
QRead, the accessible e-text reader for the blind, you will have
access to an immense quantity of reading material. This list provides a few good starting points for finding those
DRM-free books.
Bookshare is an online library of accessible books and periodicals. Memberships
are free for students with a print disability and for schools and institutions serving those with blindness and other
print disabilities. You can also purchase a membership.
Project Gutenberg has free eBooks available in many formats, all DRM-free. There
is an incredible collection here spanning every genre imaginable, and all are in the public domain.
Overdrive offers books in the "open epub" format via many public libraries.
To find out if your library offers books via Overdrive, check the library's web site or the link above (use the "find a
library" feature). When you check out an ebook in this format, you can transfer it to any device you wish during the
checkout period. Be aware not all books via Overdrive are offered in this format – be careful and check the details for
the book under "Available formats" before you check it out.
Don't miss the
Baen Free Library.
Smashwords, mentioned below, has free books as well.
Before you start shopping, visit
Books on the Knob. This site has lists of
deals and coupons for multiple formats of ebooks, but off to the right side there's a list for deals and coupons
specifically for DRM-free eBooks.
Smashwords has a huge collection of eBooks available for purchase, and all of
them are DRM-free. They have every possible category you can think of and then some.
Baen Books has a variety of books available for purchase, and all of them are
DRM-free. They offer webscriptions as well, which are a type of serialized novel. More about that program
Every single book at
Tor's web site is DRM-free. They seem to truly
understand that when you buy a book, you appreciate being able to read it anywhere you want.
Calibre, the popular ebook management program, has a section on their
site that lists DRM-free eBooks. There are multiple ways to search, including author, title, genre, and price.
O'Reilly, the popular technical books publisher, offers a lot
of eBooks without DRM.
Elsevier has over 18,000 books for students that are
DRM-free. The list includes many interesting topics like Forensic Neuropathology and the Subsea Engineering Handbook.
There is a lot of DRM-free reading out there on the internet. If you don't find anything that appeals to you in this
list, try your favorite search engine and include the phrase "DRM free eBooks" along with a subject or genre.